Anthony’s interest in real estate and property management are deeply rooted in his desire to help his clients protect their investments and help them achieve optimal performance. His primary objective is to ensure Coastline Equity clients receive a seamless and stress-free experience while maximizing the return on their investments. Anthony is driven by a passion to provide the best possible experience for his clients.

At Coastline Equity, Anthony is responsible for all aspects of operations, including oversight of client’s assets and performance. Anthony’s strong technology background has allowed for Coastline Equity to establish an effective operating system that builds upon the talents and experiences of their Property Management team. Anthony has streamlined the way investment properties are managed, thereby ensuring rental income is maximized, while keeping operating expenses to a minimum.

Anthony has a previous background in non–profit management and is a former Director for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor. He was fortunate enough to meet George at this branch of the Boys & Girls Club, where George served as Anthony's mentor in his Junior Year of High School. He remains actively involved with local charity organizations in the South Bay community.

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